Shoulder Pain and 3 Things that surprisingly won’t fix it!

Here at the Pain and Performance Clinic, we have seen a lot of shoulder patients recently. One thing that has really stood out with all our therapists here is some of the advice that people have received, whether it’s online, through a friend, or from another healthcare professional.

Shoulder Pain is Extremely Common

About three in 10 adults are affected by shoulder pain at any one time. As a team, we have read and discussed all of the latest research around shoulder pain, we have discussed cases we had successfully treated.

So today we would like to dispel the 3 most common myths we found that our patients were told about what would “fix” their sore shoulder.

3 Most Common Myths

  1. Painkillers – The problem with painkillers is that you might feel good after taking them, and the pain in your shoulder may have decreased immensely. But this is not fixing the problem – it is merely masking the pain. 

When these painkillers wear off, you just grab some more. But when you stop taking them you still have your frustrating shoulder pain. They address the symptoms but not the cause of your problem!

  • Rest – Many of our patients were given this piece of advice from their Doctor “rest and wait for it through”. If we rest the shoulder and keep it still, things begin to get even tighter and when we go to move out of this new position we have become stuck in things that can be even more painful!

Gentle movements at the shoulder will reintroduce movement to the joint and reassure everything that it is safe to move, the shoulder will loosen up and you can begin to move more.

  • “No Pain No Gain” – This is one we hear a lot from our patients at the clinic. They have a belief that if they simply push through the pain that they will eventually get better. This is an old way of thinking and unfortunately isn’t the case.

Your shoulder is in pain your body’s way of telling you that something needs to be done about it. Pushing through the pain and carrying on as normal will do nothing for you, the shoulder needs to be removed from any aggravating activities and activity should be gradually reintroduced.

In order to get full relief from this frustrating condition, you need to address the cause. The cause of your pain could be the complete opposite of why your friend got shoulder pain, and what worked for them might not necessarily work for you.

This is why an individual assessment by a trained professional such as a physiotherapist is essential for long term relief.

Here at the clinic, we will be able to assess you and listen to your story. Enabling us to not only treat the symptoms of your shoulder pain but get to the root cause of it. Through our tailored bespoke rehabilitation program, you will be able to not only beat this shoulder pain but also, make sure it doesn’t come back again.

If you have any questions or queries regarding your pain or what we offer here at the clinic, feel free to contact us by phone on 086 797 6358 or email

Special Offer – Our Brand New Online Program, entitled ‘Fix Your Sore Shoulder” is currently €89.99 (RRP €120.00) for a limited time only.

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