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Back Pain

Preventing Low Back Pain

Back Pain can be influenced by many things, the type of job you’re in, your general health, your fitness levels, your sleep, your overall mood.
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Hamstring Injury

Why Are My Hamstrings So Tight?

Tight Hamstrings are a common complaint. That tightness sensation in your hamstrings might be holding you back on your weekly runs or affecting your day to day activities!
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Foot Pain

Plantar Fasciitis-Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

All you need to know about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. If you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, you don’t need us to tell you how painful it is...
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Top Tips for Calf Injuries!

Here at the Pain and Performance Clinic we see a lot of calf injuries. In this article, we give you our top tips and advice on how to recover from a calf injury.
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What is causing the pain running down your leg?

The terms sciatica is often used by people who have experienced an episode of back pain along with pain that travels down the back of their legs.
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Sports Injuries

What are the benefits of a Sports Massage?

If you are stiff, tight if a little sore but don’t have an injury a sports massage would be a good recovery tool for you. Here are a few things you might like to know before booking in...
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Hip & Groin Pain

Why is the pain on the outside of my hip not going away?

Pain on the outside of the hip (“lateral hip pain”) affects roughly 1 in every 500 people annually. In a country of 4.9million people that means almost 10,000 people every year have...
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Back Pain

Top five biggest back pain myths!

One of the biggest factors that increases back pain is the beliefs you hold about your back pain. These beliefs are generally shaped by the people around you. It may be your parents...
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Pain Management

Will I ever be Pain-Free Again?

I have heard nearly every line in the book from my patients, I have a slipped disc, my pelvis is out of place, one leg is shorter than the other etc. The problem is advice like this can...
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Pain Management

3 Tips to recover from ongoing pain!

Trying to recover from chronic pain can be a frustrating journey. Trying to find answers but often ending up more confused. What can you do? We have 3 tips that can help you recover...