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About us

What makes us different?

We understand the frustrations of being injured.

Our goal here is to get you out of pain and back to your physical best so that you can enjoy the things that are important to you.

At our clinic you will get the answers to the following questions:

After your session your individual exercises will be sent directly to your phone as well as any other guidelines you may need to follow.

We Listen

We listen to your story. Every person's pain is unique to them. Your experience of pain provides us with the clues needed to live pain free. We promise to focus on the true cause of the pain and not just treat the area that is sore.
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Explain your Pain

It’s important to understand what your pain means and what is doesn’t mean. We provide you with a clear understanding of your own experience of pain and this can enable you to be more proactive and improve quicker.
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Tailored treatment

Everything we do is tailored to your goals. We provide you with bespoke exercise programmes designed specifically for you. These exercises are sent to your phone immediately after each session. We will provide you with a clear pathway to returning to your desired activities and back to your physical best.
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Self-management Toolkit

Our aim is to find the cause of your pain and provide you with the tools to make yourself more durable. We want you to progress to self-management, independent of therapists, and be able to enjoy the things you love to do. We will provide follow-up help and support via phone and email.
Our Team

Meet the Experts

We know that you want to become a stronger, healthier version of yourself. It’s so easy to tell yourself that gyms are just for fit people. You’ve spent so much time caring for others that you might feel like fitness is something you can’t do anymore.

We believe it’s never to late! With the right support, you can feel confident about your health and wellness again. Our unique, physio-led training program and expert team will help you take control of your fitness. You’ve got this!