Runners Section

Client Review

Are you a frustrated runner suffering with on/off with injuries?

Have you been told never to run again due to an old injury even though you would love to?

Are you someone who wants to achieve running goals, from 5k’s to marathons and everything in between?
Do you want to continue running for many years but fear you may be doing your joints damage or have been told this by doctors, therapists or friends?

Are you a runner who wants to become more confident in their own body to deal with the demands of running?

Do you want correct advice and guidance to improve your running and stay injury free?
Are you an advanced runner who wants to slowly and safely add more volume and intensity to their training by developing a more durable base?

If you answered yes to any of the above we can help:

  • We help take away the fear and myths surrounding returning to running.
  • We develop key areas to your running and don’t seek quick fixes.
  • We work closely with runners on a 1:1 basis and formulate realistic plans based on your goals.

What does the Run Clinic offer?

We have set up a dedicated running clinic to offer bespoke treatment plans for runners. Our goals are facilitating runners back from injury, keeping them injury free and empowering them to learn and improve as runners, regardless of level and experience.

Running injuries are commonplace with a wide combination of contributing factors. At the run clinic we leave no stone unturned and assess all these factors.

They Include:

  • Running Technique
  • Area for Strength Improvements
  • Breathing Patterns
  • Movement Analysis
  • Training History & Programmes
  • Injury History
  • Other factors that impact running injuries such as work and life stresses

No. This is a myth that we at pain and performance clinics wish would disappear. Running is not bad for your knees and in fact recent evidence would indicate that the opposite is in fact true. Running is good for your knees and is a great way to help you keep healthy and active as you age.

If you find yourself getting bored doing the same 5km and 10km routes and your training is stagnating then it may be helpful to add sprinting or plyometric exercises to your training plan along with some basic strength training. If you need more guidance please don’t hesitate to contact us

There are lots of people out there that will tell you that you need specific running shoes. Thankfully this is not true. Running is a low maintenance pass-time (once you avoid injury). The right running shoes for you are ones that you find comfortable so do yourself a favour and avoid the hard sell from sports shops trying to tell you that their shiny €200 runners are the ones you need because you have “flat feet” or “high arches”

When you start running it’s a good idea to start with some run-walks if you have never done it before. Start by running for a minute and then walking for a minute. As it gets easier, run for longer but keep your walking breaks to 1 minute.  When starting to run it is also a good idea to have a plan. A plan will help you increase the length of your runs at an appropriate rate to avoid picking up injuries from doing too much too soon. Finally, you should also add some strengthening exercises to your running plan. The key areas to focus on are quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves.

It is not bad to run on a treadmill. The treadmill pulls the ground from beneath you and propels you forward to a degree. This makes the treadmill a bit easier. As a beginner this could be a good place to start if the weather is going to put you off or if you want an easy way to record your intensity levels and progress the treadmill will give you this information. It is not inherently better to run outdoors but on a personal level I prefer it because I find it less boring. Also, bit of fresh air never hurt when it comes to clearing the head.

 Getting a stitch is the most annoying part of running. Unfortunately we can’t say what the exact cause is. The best way to get rid of a stitch is by avoiding it in the first place. Prevention is better than the cure. To avoid stitches it is best not to eat large meals, fatty food or dairy products within 1-2 hours of your run. Not something you can accelerate but stitches seen

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